Movement: Correct Forward Lunge Position
Movement: Correct lower body position during forward lunge

Movement: Rhythm & Routine Focus #2
Rhythm & Routine. Focus on fiber for regular bowel movements.

Movement: Rhythm & Routine Focus #1
Movement: gut health and regular bowel movements. Rhythm and routine focus on water consumption.

Reaching for the soy sauce? Let’s compare some ingredients.
Comparison: soy sauce, tamari and coconut aminos

Ingredient Spotlight--Sprouted Whole Grain Bread
Ingredient Spotlight—Sprouted Whole Grain Bread

Posture Check - Legs & Feet (2)
Watch for correct posture when seated and
working on the computer to deter neck, hip and low
back pain.

Posture Check - Legs & Feet (1)
Watch for correct posture when seated and
working on the computer to deter neck, hip and low
back pain.

Posture Check - Low Back
Watch for correct posture when seated andworking on the computer to deter low back pain.

Posture Check - Shoulders
Watch for correct posture when seated andworking on the computer to deter neck pain,headaches and back pain.

Posture Check - Neck
Watch for correct posture when seated andworking on the computer to deter neck pain,headaches and back pain.

Gardening Posture Tips
Check in with your posture and body positioning while gardening and weeding.

Seed Series: Pine Nuts
Smooth and nutty, these little ‘nuts’ are actually seeds, likely making them suitable for those who cannot consume nuts. pine nuts are a versatile seed, adding subtle crunch and velvety texture to whatever dish they are paired with.