Gardening Posture Tips


Check in with your posture and body positioning while gardening and weeding.

Paying attention to how your body feels and moves when in different positions often leads to a heightened state of awareness and strength during habitual patterns of movement.

Try to alter which positions you use to deter pain in your low back, neck and knees.

BETTER option #1: half kneeling. Protect your knee with towel or blanket if needed. Don’t forget to change up which leg is in front.

BETTER option #2: lunging forward with equal weight on both legs to avoid forward leg knee pain. Don’t forget to change up which leg is in front.

BETTER option #3: deep squat (using a bucket or step stool is even BETTER yet!). Avoid this deep squat position if you have any history of knee pain.

AVOID stooping forward bending through the low back region which puts too much stress on your low back.

MAINTAIN awareness of your neutral low back position (not too arched, not too slouched).

Soak up the summer sun!

Enjoy your hands in the dirt immersed in nature while your body feels comfortable and strong.


Posture Check - Neck


Bathtub Biomechanics