Mindfulness: Tap into your Hunger

Do you know about the hunger scale?

This is an intuitive & mindful eating tool that can be super helpful is allowing us to tap into the natural (& super important) cues our bodies provide us EVERY day! Our bodies will provide these cues numerous times throughout the day...IF we stop and pay attention. Yep, here we go again...AWARENESS!

If we are distracted or choose to ignore the cues, the cues often subside. The hunger is actually still there, but we have buried it. But watch out...when it comes out of hiding, it often ends up producing not so pleasant mind & body reactions.

Remember...our bodies adapt to whatever patterns we chose to do. Therefore, if the cues have been lost, with a little practice...they can be found!

Hunger Scale Breakdown:

1: Empty! Can feel ill, nauseous, foggy, first thing you see you want to eat mindset.
2: Almost empty! 'Hangry', moody, unable to concentrate.
3: Hungry! Physical signs present-hunger pains, rumble...time to eat.
4: Hunger setting in! Starting to feel energy decrease, begin to think of eating.
5: Neutral: Neither hungry of full. One should feel this way an hour or so after you have eaten. Not thinking of food/eating.
6: Satisfied: Enjoyed the meal, content. Take or leave a few more bites.
7: Comfortably satisfied: Content feeling you get right after eating a meal if volume is controlled.
8: Full: All done, fullness cues have set in, last few bites are no longer appealing.
9: Uncomfortably full: uneasy feeling: mentally & physically, food guilt may filter in, fullness feeling can last longer than one would like.
10: Stuffed: Very uncomfortable. Want to unbutton pants, lay down, 'ugh I feel gross' kind of feeling, ill.

Best to sway from 3-8 on the scale as often as possible!

Keep following along for more info & tips!


Movement: Rhythm & Routine


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