Posture Check - Legs & Feet (1)

👀💻 Watch for correct posture when seated and
working on the computer to deter neck, hip and low
back pain.

🙅🏻‍♀️ OUCH! Sitting with one leg tucked under your bum
tips your head, neck, shoulders and low back to one
side. This can lead to pain in any of these regions and
even sciatica (leg pain, numbness).

🌟 BETTER: Keep your feet on the ground and try to
achieve 90 degree angles at your hips, knees and
ankles. You may need to adjust the position and
height of your chair to achieve this.

⏰ TIP: Check in with your posture from time to time
when seated at the computer. If you prefer to sit
leaning one direction, change it up and lean the other
way. Any change from your preferred and habitual
position is good!


Posture Check - Legs & Feet (2)


Posture Check - Low Back