Types of Eaters
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Types of Eaters

There are 8 different types of eating styles. While we are all born with the innate cues to be intuitive, mindful eaters, societal pressures and information overload often are persuasive and intriguing to follow or ‘buy in’...especially if we have the desire to lose weight or change our physical appearance one way or another.

This post will unveil the various types of eating styles and allow you to discover where you fit. It’s possible to have more than one eating style, as life events can influence or shift your eating personality. However, all but one eating style exhibits a form of a ‘dieting’ mindset. Let’s get into it!

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Grains Overview
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains Overview

The grain series is complete, but not without a quick recap of the quality, wholesome, versatile and delicious grains discussed over the past several weeks.

💥 The goal of this series was to help unveil all the goodness that these grains have to offer.

Each week, one of the common, recurring themes was the nutritional value for each one of these grains. Protein, fiber, and a good mix of micronutrients. Who would have thought that some of the smallest grains on earth could provide so much nutritional value…. power packed indeed!

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Grains - Amaranth
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Amaranth

🌾 Amaranth is a pseudocereal. It is a stately, impressive plant that can grow to be 9 feet tall.

💪🏼 It is a protein powerhouse! Another ancient grain to add to the list with being a complete protein. In fact, it contains nearly double the amount found in rice and corn. ½ cup cooked = 7 grams of protein.

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Grains - Teff
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Teff

We can’t forget to discuss the ancient grain…Teff.

🌍 The smallest grain in the world, teff is similar in size to a poppy seed! It comes to us from Ethiopia. As a grain, it varies in color from a reddish-brown to light ivory. Teff is hearty in nature due to its ability to thrive in wet or dry conditions.

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Grains - Sorghum
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Sorghum

Sorghum- the poppy, nutty grain.

🙌🏼 The list of healthy, nutritious and delicious grains continues!

📜 Although not as commonly consumed, sorghum is one of the world’s oldest grains. It has been grown for over 8000 years! In the United States, it is mainly grown in the Midwest, due to its hardiness and ability to withstand hot and dry conditions.

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Grains - Farro
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Farro

Meet Farro. This grain resembles brown rice but has a different, distinct texture. This nutty, chewy, and delicious grain is a member of the wheat family and a nutritional powerhouse!

💥 Farro is abundant in many nutrients including fiber, protein, magnesium, zinc, niacin (vitamin B3), & iron! It also is rich in various antioxidants including carotenoids, flavonoids & ferulic acid, which aid in fighting inflammation.

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Grains - Buckwheat
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Buckwheat

Welcome the super grain BUCKWHEAT.

🌱 First and foremost, buckwheat is actually a fruit seed and a cousin of the rhubarb plant! It’s better known as a pseudocereal as it is considered a grain and most often used as one.

🌾 However, it’s not in the wheat family, contrary to wheat being in its name. As a result, it makes an excellent wheat substitute for those looking to step outside the wheat world and diversify the grains, or pseudograins, consumed.

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Grains - Quinoa
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Quinoa

Super grains house a variety of wholesome grains from all over the world. The term ‘super grains' aka 'ancient grains’ indicate that these grains are typically higher in nutritional power: fiber, protein, and jam pack with micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), not to mention have been grown & consumed for thousands of years! Because of the nutritional load, these grains get a gold star when it comes to improving gut health. Diversity wins yet again!

2️⃣ Let’s take a closer look at the super grain QUINOA. (pronounced keen-wah).

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Grains - Brown Rice
Manifest Integrated Health Manifest Integrated Health

Grains - Brown Rice

First up: Brown rice

🤷🏼‍♀️ Not a fan of the rice texture? Give brown rice noodles a try before you give up on this grain!

🍚 Another way to test the palate…ease into it. Try combining white and brown rice together to vary the texture and flavor before switching all together.

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