Movement: Rhythm & Routine

MOVEMENT: Did you know that HOW & WHAT we eat greatly impacts bowel patterns, regularity, & stool consistency! It never feels good to be on either extreme of the bowel movement pendulum - either constipated or having diarrhea.

The digestive system thrives from rhythm & routine. Although it adapts to whatever patterns are given, it prefers a steady state. Sporadic & inconsistent eating patterns can be a contributing factor to irregularity.

Increase awareness with simple nutrition strategies:

1. H2O. That’s right! Adequate hydration from water is a must! Try adding a glass of water to your routine first thing in the morning... even before that cup of coffee! Keep hydration steady throughout the day. Guzzling one's needs in a single setting is not helpful.

2. FIBER. Adding colorful, nutrient loaded foods to each meal is an excellent way to ensure fiber is consumed and spread throughout the day! This is ideal to not overload the gut. There is NO benefit from trying to consume your daily fiber all at once. Actually, the exact opposite may occur and greatly disrupt your bowel patterns.

3. Eat. REST. Repeat. The digestive system works hard when fuel is provided to break down and utilize all the energy receives. Therefore, it is essential it has time to REST!
A special ‘housekeeper wave’ takes place 90-120 minutes after eating. This wave is essential for adequate digestion & absorption of nutrients.
Patterns of grazing (think a piece of toast on the way to work, then 45 minutes later some fruit, then 30 minutes later a handful of nuts...) interrupt this wave and can slow motility (movement) of the gut. Aim for consuming a variety of foods in one setting to optimize fullness so that a
3-4 hour break between meals & snacks can be achieved.

While many factors can contribute to the way our bowels move, pausing and paying attention to your food choices throughout the day can have a positive impact on bowel movements.


Movement: Rhythm & Routine Focus #1


Mindfulness: Tap into your Hunger