Ingredient Spotlight--Sprouted Whole Grain Bread

You find yourself in the aisles of the grocery store with so many choices. We are lucky to have a lot of options, but it can be overwhelming.

Let us help you try something NEW. Opening the door to more than your regular shopping list helps diversify your plate, expand your nutritional benefits, and bring more excitement to your meals.

First up: Bread. Most know that whole wheat bread is a great choice for sandwiches and toast. Whole wheat bread is less refined, keeping the entire kernel (bran, germ, & endosperm) intact. This keeps a lot of the nutrients found in wheat, that are usually taken away with white breads, before being milled into flour and baked into bread.

But there are other great options that go above and beyond regular whole wheat bread!

This spotlight is on SPROUTED WHOLE GRAIN bread. We love it because it offers another opportunity to mix things up. Sprouted bread is naturally higher in protein & fiber than whole wheat bread, so it is a great choice when your meal needs an extra boost.

When sprouting grains, nutrients are made more available to the body which can help their absorption during digestion. The lower carbohydrate count is often better suited for those with dietary intolerances, such as FODMAPs.

Next time you are shopping, pick up a different kind of sprouted whole grain bread to bring home and enjoy.


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