Magic Pill(ar) of Health: Rhythm & Routine
The migrating motility complex (MMC) is the body’s natural housekeeper wave that improves digestion by sweeping clean the excess contents in the stomach and small intestine.
♨️This wave occurs during a fasted state and is interrupted by energy (calorie) intake. A disordered or even absent pattern of the MMC has been linked to a condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). This is mostly likely due to the increase of food particles in the small intestine, which can increase bacteria in the small intestine, leading to overgrowth.
💩A poorly functioning MMC may also be linked to chronic constipation, which can be seen in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
🌯🥦🫐🥛A simple step to help improve the efficacy of your very own MMC is to pair foods to create a balanced meal rather than eating several options spaced out over an hour or more. Rather than eating a banana on the way to work and then eating oatmeal 30-45 minutes later, work to combine the options together. In order to create the space needed to stimulate the MMC, it is imperative that well-balanced options containing wholesome carbohydrates (fiber), protein and healthy fats are available to increase satiety.